

Hypothyroid Mom Equals Child Bad at Math? Thanks a Lot, Mom!


Low levels of thyroid during pregnancy is not an uncommon thing seeing as it can be caused by iron deficiency, which is a common side effect of pregnancy. That is why women are required to do various blood tests during pregnancy and are advised to eat a certain diet, which most likely consists of lean […]

Want to Lose Weight? Cut Out Artificial Sweeteners!


In initial animal studies, the research found that all of the artificial sweeteners caused increased blood sugar. Their theory was that the sweeteners change gut microbes — the bacteria in the stomach that, when balanced, help with proper digestion. By transplanting microbes from artificial-sweetening using mice to germ-free mice, they were able to create glucose […]

13 Numbers About Your Health That You Need To Know


2.5 OR LOWER Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels above 2.5 are considered to be suspicious for subclinical hypothyroidism by many integrative physicians. The "normal" reference range for the TSH test tends to run from .3 to 4.5, and many patients with levels above 2.5 are told their thyroid is "normal," while their physicians fail to […]

Probiotics: The Good Bacteria With Health Benefits


It also seems that the media is finally starting to recognize what integrative physicians have been saying for years — helping maintain healthy bacterial balance in the gut has a positive effect on many aspects of health, and probiotics can be a key step. Let's take a look at some probiotics basics, and the latest […]

7 Signs That You Need a New Doctor


To borrow the metaphor, you may have to kiss a few frogs along the way before you find that prince — or princess — or a practitioner. But in some cases, it becomes clear that this is not a working relationship, and it's time to move on.Here are seven signs that you definitely need a […]

Vitamin D Lowers Weight and Blood Sugar


Researchers know that obesity and Type 2 diabetes frequently go along with Vitamin D deficiency, but they wanted to study whether low Vitamin D levels actually contribute to these conditions. According to the study's principal investigator, Stephanie Sisley, MD, "Our results suggest that Vitamin D may play a role in the onset of both obesity […]

Adrenal Fatigue: Causes, Signs, and Symptoms


More common are cases where the adrenal glands are producing some - but not enough - stress hormones. This is known as adrenal fatigue. (Note: the integrative health world is pioneering in this area, but conventional medicine still does not recognize that adrenal dysfunction includes more than just an absence or excess of adrenal hormones!) […]

Obesity and Thyroid Disease in Women - The Link Starts in Childhood


A British study was developed, to look at the connection between childhood obesity and weight gain, and the later development of an underactive thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions in the 60 to 64 age range. The researchers were able to access a study group of more 2500+ women, and 2500+ men who were born in […]

Weight Gain Despite Thyroid Treatment May Be Hypothalamic Obesity Disorder


The research was presented in a poster session by Saad Sakkal, MD at the May 2014 annual meeting of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE). Before we take a look at the research, let's explain a bit more about the hypothalamus and its impact on weight and metabolism. What is The Hypothalamus? Your hypothalamus […]

Challenges in Thyroid Hormone Therapy: Why Is It So Complicated?


On the one hand, it's promising to think that a group of prominent endocrinologists are joining together to discuss this important issue. The endocrinology community, after all, is not typically known for acknowledging — much less being curious about — the complexities of thyroid hormone treatment. The tendency is usually to prescribe Synthroid, Levoxyl or […]

HCG Weight Loss Special!


If you are ready to lose that stubborn weight, the time is NOW with our HCG program special. Through the month of May, get a vial of HCG, syringes, an 8 pack of LipoB and coaching with Sherry Good, our HCG expert. What will HCG do for you? HCG will help you experience increased energy […]

5 Crucial Issues Many Fibromyalgia Patients Face


As part of the awareness effort, it's important to know the various criteria, including assessment of pain levels. But the changing way the pain of fibromyalgia is assessed diagnosis is just a part of the challenges that frustrate fibromyalgia sufferers. There are actually five crucial issues that frustrate many fibromyalgia patients. 1. The Myth That […]

Are Achy Legs Interfering With Your Sleep?


Magnesium Deficiency One of the most common causes of leg cramps and pain is magnesium deficiency. In fact, a key symptom of magnesium deficiency is cramps, spasms, pain and aches in the legs and feet. If you notice aching in the legs and/or feet at night, ask your physician to check magnesium levels via a blood […]

Hormones and the Link to Sleep


According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), 50 to 70 million Americans are affected by chronic sleep disorders as well as periodic sleep problems — issues that that can significantly impact health, alertness, and safety. The NSF also says that studies show that healthy adults have a "basal sleep need of seven to eight hours […]

Could You Have An Autoimmune Disease?


Your immune system's job is to protect you against infections, toxins, and invaders — everything from bacteria, to viruses, to allergens. When the immune system encounters something that could be potentially harmful, it mounts a defense to help kill or overcome the "invader," and protect the body. For a number of reasons — many which […]

Anxiety, Panic, and Your Thyroid


"Yep," said the doctor, chuckling. "Looks like an overactive thyroid to me. Every one of you practically go airborne!" He had reviewed her chart and latest symptoms, and suspected correctly that she had an overactive thyroid. While his diagnostic method is not one Holtorf Medical Group doctors would use, we still consider this patient luckier […]

It's Not In Your Head, It's In Your Hormones: The Mental Health-Hormone Link


Let's talk about PMS, which is for some women, the next key mood-hormone link. For a variety of reasons — nutrition, genetics, hormone balance, etc. — some women sail through monthly cycles with few symptoms, while others struggle every month with debilitating depression, anxiety, and fatigue. While PMS may be a favorite joke of comedians, […]

I was Just Aging, Right?


Guest post by Dr. Tracy Thomas Back in January, I shared with you my personal story about working with Holtorf Medical Group to heal my thyroid issue. Now, I'd like for someone very special to me to share her story, as well. She's in her 60's, works out 5 times a week, and hardly a […]

Is it Mental Illness or Hashimoto's Disease?


While your symptoms resemble a mental health issue, they could be signs of Hashimoto's disease, one cause of hypothyroidism. Hashimoto's disease, also known as autoimmune thyroiditis or simply "Hashimoto's", is caused by an autoimmune disorder. In this case, the body's immune system sees the thyroid gland as a foreign body and begins to attack, damaging […]

Could a Medical Problem Called PCOS be Causing your Cosmetic Symptoms?


What is PCOS? PCOS, also called Stein-Leventhal Syndrome, is the most common endocrine disorder among women, affecting as many as 5% to 10% of all women. And while many of its symptoms are externally visible, PCOS can involve multiple organ systems within the body. It is the most common cause of infertility in women, and […]

Listen to Your Gut for Immune System Health


The microflora in the gut form a barrier that protects against invaders by competing with harmful bacteria and viruses. These microflora actually communicate with the immune system, prompting it to attack bad bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites, and to prevent more bacteria from taking up residence. When microflora aren't thriving, these harmful agents are left […]

Eight Ways to Weaken Your Immune System


The immune system also plays a role in restricting tumors and cancerous growths inside the body. It's important to keep your immune system strong and healthy. Here are eight things that can make your immune system weaker. Stress Stress can have a major negative impact on your immune system. When you experience continued stress, the […]

A Journey with Fibromyalgia - A Holtorf Medical Group Success Story


If you had asked me ten years ago whether I thought I would still be alive today, I would have responded with "absolutely not." That's how surely I was convinced that I was slowly dying — emotionally, socially, intellectually, spiritually, and physically. The most frightening thing about it was that I perceived I was powerless […]

The Sound of Health: Thyroid Ultrasounds


For many, seeing is believing, and this 10 to 15 minute thyroid exam sees what is otherwise hidden and can measure and detect issues that do not reveal themselves anywhere else. Lab work can indicate key thyroid related hormone levels, such as T4, T3, Reverse T3, Free T4 and Free T3, but do not indicate […]

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