

The Endocrine System: Your Questions Answered


Your hormones play a powerful role in your health, influencing everything from metabolism and sleep to mood and energy levels.  When hormones are balanced, you feel your best. But sometimes, things get out of whack, leaving you feeling confused and frustrated. At Holtorf Medical Group, we understand the intricacies of the endocrine system and the […]

Your Suspicions are Correct! The Surge of Narcissism in the Digital Era 


If you've sensed an increase in individuals around you who seem egotistical, unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions, and overly self-involved, your observations are spot-on. Recent studies in social psychology have identified a concerning rise in narcissistic tendencies among Americans, particularly those in university settings. These individuals, often referred to derogatorily as "Karens," have […]

Answering the Top Thyroid Health Questions


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on thyroid health! In this blog, we're delving into some of the internet's most searched questions about thyroid health to empower everyone to make informed choices on their health journey. Where is the thyroid gland located?     The thyroid gland is located in the neck, just below the Adam's apple, and […]

The Popular Houseplant That Cleans Mold Spores in the Air


Indoor air quality is a crucial factor in maintaining a healthy living environment. Airborne mold spores can pose serious health risks when inhaled, causing allergies, respiratory issues, and even infections. Prolonged exposure to mold can lead to chronic health problems, making it essential to find effective ways to combat this issue. Learn more about mold […]

Understanding the Significance of Hormonal Health for Women


When it comes to women's hormonal health, many of us have a basic understanding of the role estrogen and progesterone play in the monthly menstrual cycle. However, the influence of these hormones extends far beyond reproductive health. In reality, hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, are instrumental in the overall well-being of our body. Hormones act […]

Managing Stress Through Positive Lifestyle Choices


Cold Therapy Our bodies often bear the brunt of environmental stressors and demanding lifestyles. Cold therapy, such as ice baths, cold showers, and cryotherapy, is known for releasing endorphins and reducing systemic inflammation, which can help restore balance to both body and mind. Mindful Breathing and Meditation Mindful meditation is a type of meditation in […]

A Comprehensive Approach to Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia


When it comes to addressing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia (FM), patients often find themselves caught in a frustrating cycle. Many healthcare professionals struggle to pinpoint the root causes of these conditions, which can lead to dismissive attitudes and even the labeling of CFS and FM as vague, catch-all diagnoses. However, these disorders affect […]

Men’s Health Month: Top Supplements for Your Health


Why We Need Supplements Studies reveal that a considerable portion of the population has inadequate levels of essential nutrients, with up to 80% of people not meeting the daily recommended intake of essential vitamins and minerals. Even those who try to optimize their diets may still suffer from nutrient deficiencies due to a decrease in […]

Tick Season 2023: Debunking Myths About Lyme Disease


With the arrival of the summer season, many of us look forward to enjoying the great outdoors. However, it also means the start of tick season, which can be a cause for concern due to the threat of Lyme disease. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about this disease that can lead to unnecessary fear and […]

The Connection Between Lyme Disease and Mental Illness


May is both Lyme Disease Awareness Month and Mental Health Awareness Month. While the two may seem unrelated, there is actually a significant connection between the two. Lyme disease, a bacterial infection primarily transmitted through tick bites, can cause neurological and psychiatric symptoms, including anxiety, depression, and memory problems: The History of Lyme Disease Lyme […]

Lyme Disease and Addiction: Understanding the Connection


Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected ticks. The symptoms of Lyme disease can be debilitating, including fatigue, joint pain, and neurological problems. However, recent research has suggested that there may be a link between Lyme disease and addiction. Studies have found that individuals with Lyme disease are more […]

Oxytocin: A Comprehensive Guide


Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland that is commonly known as the “love hormone” due to its role in social bonding, trust, and social interaction. However, its functions go beyond that, and it plays an essential role in our mental and physical health. This article explores the […]

Debunking the Latest Myths in the Aesthetics World


The aesthetics world is growing at an astronomical rate as it was estimated to be worth approximately $63.5 billion in 2021 and this number has only continued to grow. Due to this extensive market, there is a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to ways to age optimally. It seems as though products experts previously […]

Dr. Holtorf's Top Health Tips for Men


1. Get your thyroid checked Men should get their thyroid checked as optimal thyroid levels not only reduce the risk for heart disease and cancer but also reduce weight, increase energy, improve collagen production for better skin, reduce cholesterol and improve hair growth. The standard thyroid test called a TSH will, however, often miss low tissue thyroid levels so […]

Treatment for Breast Cancer Often Results In Complaints of Low Libido


1. Testosterone is known as the “hormone of desire,” as it is essential for a healthy libido. The ovaries produce half of the testosterone in women, but with chemotherapy that is frequently used in the treatment of breast cancer, there is a reduction in ovarian function, reducing estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels often resulting in […]

Hidden Causes of Low Libido


February is often referred to as the “month of love” as we all are being bombarded with messaging around Valentine’s Day and romance. As a result, this time of year can bring sexual health and libido to the forefront. Low libido and sexual dysfunction can be a sensitive topic for many, but the reality is […]

Proactive Tips to Promote Your Heart’s Longevity


Your heart beats about 100,000 times every day. Given that the average US life expectancy is almost 79 years old, your heart will beat approximately 2.9 billion times during your lifetime. With the heart being your life force, it is essential to support your heart’s longevity in everyday life. In honor of American Heart Health […]

5 Tips to Age Optimally


The Global Anti-Aging Market was valued at nearly $60 billion dollars in 2021 and is estimated to be worth over $88 billion by 2028. This massive anti-aging industry thrives off the universal fear of getting older. It encourages consumers, and particularly women, to do everything in their power to look young for as long as possible. At Holtorf […]

Naturally Enhance Your Energy


How to Boost Your Energy Did you know that 3 in 5 Americans report feeling more tired now than they have been in their entire lives? In a study of 2,000 respondents, 59% said that spending too much time at home since 2020 and other sociopolitical events have significantly impacted their energy levels. In fact, 58% reported feeling burnt […]

The Newest Biomarkers to Test Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About


Only 12% of Americans are considered “metabolically healthy.” More than 130 million Americans are dealing with chronic disease. Up to 40% of annual deaths are due to preventable conditions. Given these statistics, health should be a national priority, yet Americans still only spend an average of 20 minutes with their primary care physician annually. At […]

Mood-Boosting At-Home Tips


55% of Americans are stressed on a daily basis

Mental Health Awareness Month: The Mind-Body Connection


Psychological and physical health are intrinsically connected as each can significantly impact the other.

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