

7 Qualities to Look for in Your Endocrinologist


20 million Americans suffer from a thyroid condition

How Lyme Disease Can Affect the Entire Body


Lyme disease can affect any organ or system within the body

Leptin Resistance: Everything You Need to Know


Many obese individuals suffer from leptin resistance

Understanding and Treating Leaky Gut Syndrome


Leaky gut has a wide range of symptoms

Conditions Associated with Adrenal Dysfunction


The adrenals are a crucial part of the endocrine system

Combating and Preventing Migraines


Nearly 30 million people in the US suffer from migraines

Powerful Antioxidants You May Not be Getting


Antioxidants inhibit damage to cells

Understanding and Treating SIBO


SIBO is clinically described as excess bacteria in the small intestine. Typically, the small intestine maintains a relatively low level of bacteria. However, in the presence of SIBO, the region becomes overgrown, which inhibits the absorption of essential nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. This is in part due to the fact that, when in excess, […]

Insulin Resistance: The Thyroid Connection


T4 to T3 conversion may play a major role

Causes of Low Libido


31% of men suffer some form of sexual inadequacy

Benefits of Incorporating Magnesium into Your Routine


Even though magnesium is not the most abundant mineral found in the human body, it is one of the busiest. Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical actions throughout the body, affecting activity ranging from muscle contraction to neurotransmitter regulation. As the body uses magnesium in these and other bodily processes, levels of this essential […]

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): Symptoms, Causes and Treatments


80 percent of women experience PMS

How to Naturally Boost Serotonin


Serotonin is an important chemical messenger

Candida: How to Combat It


Candida can be difficult to treat if left unaddressed

Adrenal Exhaustion and Exercise


See why you may have problems recovering from that run

Can a Poor Diet Cause Depression Symptoms?


Diet may be an indicator of your risk for depression

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