

Why Levothyroxine — i.e. Synthroid — Treatment Isn’t Working for You


You may respond better to a sustained-release form of T3

What to Eat (and Avoid) with Hypothyroidism


Iodine is a critical building block for thyroid hormones.

20 Things Only Someone With a Thyroid Disorder Would Understand


750 million people have some degree of thyroid disease

Jump Start Weight Loss with These Tips


At the same time, there are many people who eat healthy, unprocessed food and exercise but are still overweight. That is because there may be many other stressors and dysfunctions in the body, which need to be discovered and solved. And there may be also many surprising ways to jump start weight loss, which you […]

Why Menopause Can Lower Your Libido


Although this matter is rather complex and it involves a multitude of physiological, emotional, and lifestyle factors, there are a few common causes for low libido, which can be easily overlooked. Common Causes for Low Libido during Menopause Estrogen As estrogen levels fall when women approach and enter menopause, the resulting dryness and thinning of vaginal tissues can […]

Keep Your Ticker Ticking with Testosterone


Beginning around age 30, a man's testosterone levels start to decline, and continue to do so as time goes on, unless you proactively address your lifestyle. Environmental factors, including pesticides, plastics, and other pollutants, have resulted in a significant decrease in the average testosterone levels for men, so most men will have, at least, a […]

The Aphrodisiac You've Been Waiting For


We all perceive testosterone as a male hormone, and its presence in our body is associated with virility. But testosterone is also present in the female body, only in a much lower quantity. The cause of low desire isn't always medical, but it turns out that a large percentage of women with this problem have blood […]

Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism: Types of Thyroid Diseases


While addressing a thyroid dysfunction, it's essential to consider the interconnected web of other imbalances, toxicities, and nutritional deficiencies that are always at play. Your thyroid gland is like the body's energy factory. Every cell in the body requires thyroid hormones. When it's operating effectively, you feel energetic, healthy, and in control. But it takes […]

5 Tips to Thrive with Your Thyroid in 2017


Why is it that when having a thyroid dysfunction, one might feel so drained and unwell all throughout the body? Because the thyroid controls the rate of energy production, maintains body temperature, regulates body weight, menstrual cycles, muscle strength, heart rate, breathing, and affects brain chemistry profoundly, influencing mood and emotions. No wonder that any […]

The Fatigue That Just Won't Quit


A constant feeling of fatigue or exhaustion can be an indication of adrenal fatigue. So what are adrenals and why are they fatigued? Adrenals are small glands located above your kidneys and are part of the endocrine system (the system that secretes hormones into the body). The adrenals produce hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, […]

Fact: Lyme Disease is on The West Coast


There are so many stories and "old wives' tales" out there that it's hard to decipher which are true and which aren't. This is the case with some diseases, as well. One condition that seems to have countless myths and misconceptions attached to it is Lyme disease. These falsehoods range from where the disease is […]

Why Levothyroxine — i.e. Synthroid — Treatment Isn't Working for You


Conventional medicine believes that if you have an underactive, chemically ablated or surgically-removed thyroid gland, that all you need is levothyroxine - the synthetic form of the T4 hormone. Levothyroxine is also known by its brand names: Synthroid, Levoxyl, Eltroxin, Tirosint, and Levothroid, among others. T4 is the inactive thyroid hormone, and must be converted […]

7 Things Every Smart Patient Should Do in 2017


Let's take a look at seven things that every smart patient should do in 2017 that may help you manage and improve your health in the new year. 1. Schedule an annual checkup. If you are in an HMO, or have health insurance, your annual checkup is likely to be scheduled as a longer visit, […]

Five Ways the New ATA Hypothyroidism Guidelines are Bad for Thyroid Patients


There are so many things wrong with these Guidelines that we could write volumes, but let's cut to the chase. Here are five ways the new ATA hypothyroidism guidelines hurt thyroid patients. 1. The ATA's Conflict of Interest Makes the Guidelines Findings Questionable at Best While the ATA goes out of its way to assert […]

7 Signs That You Need a New Doctor


To borrow the metaphor, you may have to kiss a few frogs along the way before you find that prince — or princess — or a practitioner. But in some cases, it becomes clear that this is not a working relationship, and it's time to move on.Here are seven signs that you definitely need a […]

Adrenal Fatigue: Causes, Signs, and Symptoms


More common are cases where the adrenal glands are producing some - but not enough - stress hormones. This is known as adrenal fatigue. (Note: the integrative health world is pioneering in this area, but conventional medicine still does not recognize that adrenal dysfunction includes more than just an absence or excess of adrenal hormones!) […]

Weight Gain Despite Thyroid Treatment May Be Hypothalamic Obesity Disorder


The research was presented in a poster session by Saad Sakkal, MD at the May 2014 annual meeting of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE). Before we take a look at the research, let's explain a bit more about the hypothalamus and its impact on weight and metabolism. What is The Hypothalamus? Your hypothalamus […]

Challenges in Thyroid Hormone Therapy: Why Is It So Complicated?


On the one hand, it's promising to think that a group of prominent endocrinologists are joining together to discuss this important issue. The endocrinology community, after all, is not typically known for acknowledging — much less being curious about — the complexities of thyroid hormone treatment. The tendency is usually to prescribe Synthroid, Levoxyl or […]

5 Crucial Issues Many Fibromyalgia Patients Face


As part of the awareness effort, it's important to know the various criteria, including assessment of pain levels. But the changing way the pain of fibromyalgia is assessed diagnosis is just a part of the challenges that frustrate fibromyalgia sufferers. There are actually five crucial issues that frustrate many fibromyalgia patients. 1. The Myth That […]

Fibromyalgia Pain - What is the Criteria?


Now, according to the ACR, a patient satisfies the diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia if the following three conditions are met: The Widespread Pain Index The Widespread Pain Index (WPI) rating looks at the areas where you've had pain over the last week. The score will be 0 to 19. Here are the 19 areas evaluated: […]

Is it Chronic Fatigue or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?


"Chronic fatigue" is a symptom, referring to continuing significant fatigue that lasts for months. It can be the result of a variety of ongoing or chronic conditions and illnesses (for example hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis, anemia), nutritional deficiencies, sleep disorders like apnea, chronic pain, depression, and other health issues. Ongoing fatigue lasting at least six months […]

Melatonin: For Sleep, Thyroid, Hormones and More


Melatonin is produced — primarily at night — by the pineal gland, a tiny gland located in the brain. The pineal acts as a controller of our body's clock, including the day-to-day 24-hour clock that tells us when to sleep and when to wake. It also controls our lifetime biological clock that decides on bigger […]

Anxiety, Panic, and Your Thyroid


"Yep," said the doctor, chuckling. "Looks like an overactive thyroid to me. Every one of you practically go airborne!" He had reviewed her chart and latest symptoms, and suspected correctly that she had an overactive thyroid. While his diagnostic method is not one Holtorf Medical Group doctors would use, we still consider this patient luckier […]

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