Men’s Health
The Aphrodisiac You've Been Waiting For
/We all perceive testosterone as a male hormone, and its presence in our body is associated with virility. But testosterone is also present in the female body, only in a much lower quantity. The cause of low desire isn't always medical, but it turns out that a large percentage of women with this problem have blood […]
Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism: Types of Thyroid Diseases
/While addressing a thyroid dysfunction, it's essential to consider the interconnected web of other imbalances, toxicities, and nutritional deficiencies that are always at play. Your thyroid gland is like the body's energy factory. Every cell in the body requires thyroid hormones. When it's operating effectively, you feel energetic, healthy, and in control. But it takes […]
Fun in the Sun? What You Cannot See, Can Hurt You: Potential Danger of Ultraviolet Radiation
/With summer almost here, there are good reasons to heed the wisdom of "Slip-Slop-Slap — slip on a shirt, slop on the sunscreen, and slap on a hat." On the other hand, chemical sunscreens have their dangers too. What to do? A new study suggests your lifespan could be affected by solar activity that occurred […]
Dangers of Diet Soda: Is Your Drink Healthy or Harmful?
/Introduced in the United States in 1964, Diet Pepsi was the first nationally marketed diet soda. In 1983, Coca Cola introduced Diet Coke, a beverage that celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2013. Today, four carbonated, low calorie, diet drinks rank in the top ten best-selling carbonated beverages in the country. In order, they are: In […]
Selenium Plays Key Role in Fertility
/A research team, led by Melanie Ceko, looked at the role of selenium in the ovaries, and found that selenium is crucial to the development of healthy ovarian follicles. Follicles are responsible for production of eggs in women. According to Ceko: Selenium is an essential trace element found in protein-rich foods like red meat, seafood […]
Hormonal Horror Stories - Especially for Halloween
/Rosemarie's Baby Rosemarie was trying, and failing, to get pregnant for several years. Like many fertility clinics, the clinic she and her husband chose did NOT include any thyroid testing as part of Rosemarie's infertility workup. At first, Rosemarie didn't know to ask. Since infertility is rarely covered by insurance, Rosemarie was getting side-effect laden […]
Obesity and Thyroid Disease in Women - The Link Starts in Childhood
/A British study was developed, to look at the connection between childhood obesity and weight gain, and the later development of an underactive thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions in the 60 to 64 age range. The researchers were able to access a study group of more 2500+ women, and 2500+ men who were born in […]
Are Achy Legs Interfering With Your Sleep?
/Magnesium Deficiency One of the most common causes of leg cramps and pain is magnesium deficiency. In fact, a key symptom of magnesium deficiency is cramps, spasms, pain and aches in the legs and feet. If you notice aching in the legs and/or feet at night, ask your physician to check magnesium levels via a blood […]
It's Not In Your Head, It's In Your Hormones: The Mental Health-Hormone Link
/Let's talk about PMS, which is for some women, the next key mood-hormone link. For a variety of reasons — nutrition, genetics, hormone balance, etc. — some women sail through monthly cycles with few symptoms, while others struggle every month with debilitating depression, anxiety, and fatigue. While PMS may be a favorite joke of comedians, […]
Could a Medical Problem Called PCOS be Causing your Cosmetic Symptoms?
/What is PCOS? PCOS, also called Stein-Leventhal Syndrome, is the most common endocrine disorder among women, affecting as many as 5% to 10% of all women. And while many of its symptoms are externally visible, PCOS can involve multiple organ systems within the body. It is the most common cause of infertility in women, and […]
Fibromyalgia - A Mystery Medical Condition?
/Brief periods of mental or physical exertion left them exhausted. And while their pains might migrate from one area of the body to another at any given time, there were 11 points on the body that were always more tender than other areas. This illness has been studied since the 1800's, and identified by a […]
Tests Can Reveal Hidden Causes of Weight Loss Failure
/Don't blame yourself for failure. Sometimes there's a medical reason for weight gain or the inability to lose weight! Here is a list of key tests that can determine if there's a physiological cause for your weight problems. Thyroid hormone imbalance An imbalance of thyroid hormones, specifically hypothyroidism or thyroid hormone conversion disorders, can make […]
Is Your Set Point Sabotaging Your Diet?
/The "set point" is the brain's target weight for a person's body. Just as the body works to maintain a fairly standard temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, it also works to maintain a body weight that is physiologically comfortable. The set point is maintained by the hypothalamus, and is often genetically influenced. However, a number […]
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Your Immune System
/What is an autoimmune disorder? Simply put, an autoimmune disorder is a condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. In Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, the immune system attacks and kills thyroid cells. This "attack and destroy" can cause wild symptom swings from hypothyroid to hyperthyroid, and back. Each attack destroys more and […]
The Link Between Hormones and Depression
/Before puberty, the rates of mood and anxiety disorders are similar in boys and girls. It's only after females begin menstrual function that a gender differential in mood disorders manifests itself. This, coupled with the observation that women appear to be especially vulnerable to mood disturbances during times of hormonal flux, certainly confirms that a […]
The Importance of Quality Sleep
/Some health benefits researchers have discovered about a good night's sleep are improved memory, longevity, reducing inflammation, spur creativity, enhance cognitive performance, improve attention, weight control and steering clear of depression and anxiety. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder in the U.S., affecting nearly one out of every three adults at some point in […]
Is Depression Caused By Thyroid Dysfunction?
/Clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for a longer period of time. When someone develops depression, the brain usually becomes the focus of attention. But other organs can be the source of the problem. A common example is when the thyroid gland […]
Women, Menopause and Your Libido
/The reality is that sex improves longevity, quality of life, and overall health. Menopausal sex without the fear of pregnancy, the mess of the monthly cycle, or young children knocking at the bedroom door can be a spontaneous and joyful part of the second half of life. You just need to find out how to […]
Fatigue And Sexual Desire: Too Fatigued To Get Frisky?
/There is no single solution to the problem of lack of sex because of fatigue. But getting to the root of your problems and imbalances and solving those, as well as trying new things and being creative, will also bring your sexual desire back! There are some important aspects to consider, that will help you […]
Is Thyroid Disease the Cause of Your Low Libido?
/Studies show that even slightly reduced thyroid levels, even considered still in the "normal" range can dramatically decrease libido in women as well as causing fatigue, weight gain and depression. How Does Thyroid Dysfunction Affect Libido Hypothyroidism reveals itself in a very gradual manner. Low thyroid symptoms are very subtle and are often similar to […]
Health Benefits of a Lively Libido
/If libido is not present, our health and well-being may suffer. Here are the six most important reasons why sex and a healthy libido are so important and good for our health and to keep us feeling young: 1. Libido is life energy. Libido is often a reflection of a person's feelings of motivation, confidence, […]
6 Ways to Boost Your Libido
/A recent study in the Journal of American Medical Association showed that 31% of men and 43% of women suffer from sexual inadequacy at some point in their lives. It is shown that up to 40% of women suffer from symptoms of sexual dysfunction, with low desire being the most common symptom. Understand The Real Cause […]
Men and Low Libido: How To Get Your Swagger Back
/A man's lifestyle including his diet, smoking and drinking habits are known to affect sexual desire. A healthy and happy relationship with your partner is also vital for a healthy sex life. High levels of estrogen in men can also have a negative impact on male sexual desire, as do low levels of testosterone. The Connection […]
Anti-Depressants, Birth Control And Your Libido
/The connection between birth control pill and low libido Antidepressant manufacturers estimate that 2% to 16% of antidepressant users experience sexual dysfunction. However, a 2001 study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry examined 412 men with previously normal sexual functioning who were being treated with antidepressants, and it found that 59% reported sexual dysfunction, 62% of the men and 57% of the […]