Immune System
Leaky Gut Linked to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
/How Does Poor Gut Health Affect Your Thyroid Health? Your gut is home to 70% of your body's immune system. Tissues within the gut store immune cells that attack and produce antibodies against foreign substances such as viruses or bacteria. A healthy intestinal lining allows nutrients and other biological substances to be filtered through for […]
Treating Thyroid Conversion Disorders with T3
/To properly treat hypothyroidism, you must first know your Ts. Thyroxine, or T4, is the thyroid "storage hormone." Triodothyronine, or T3, is the "energy hormone." For the body to use T4, it must first convert it to the active hormone T3, giving energy to every cell in the body. Another critical thyroid hormone is reverse […]
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Your Immune System
/What is an autoimmune disorder? Simply put, an autoimmune disorder is a condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. In Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, the immune system attacks and kills thyroid cells. This "attack and destroy" can cause wild symptom swings from hypothyroid to hyperthyroid, and back. Each attack destroys more and […]
Lyme Disease and Psychiatric Disorders
/Untangling cause and effect can challenge even seasoned clinicians, and the potential for missed diagnoses is growing these days. Most mental-health counselors rely on primary-care doctors to spot medical issues, but those physicians are increasingly time-pressed and may not know their patients well. Neither do the psychiatrists who mainly write prescriptions and see patients only […]
How To Live a Full Life with Thyroid Disease
/"Drugs are not always necessary, but belief in recovery always is." Norman Cousins There's no one magic pill that ensures that one can live well with thyroid disease. Rather, the secret lies in finding the right doctor, the right treatments, the right attitude and support groups! Some of the best tips we've found are described […]
How To Find A Thyroid Doctor
/It's important to find a doctor who is actually able to deal with harder to diagnose thyroid imbalances. Arming yourself with knowledge can help you find a thyroid doctor that can address your needs properly. Is An Endocrinologist Your Best Choice? If you experience a "harder to diagnose" thyroid imbalance, autoimmune thyroid disease like Hashimoto's, […]
Talking With Your Doctor About Your Thyroid Concerns
/If you feel frustrated because your TSH results are "normal" and your doctor tells you there is nothing wrong, but you still experience a wide range of thyroid-related symptoms, we understand and we know why. The Reality About Thyroid Testing The TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is the test that most doctors use to screen for hypothyroidism. […]
Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders
/Unfortunately, thyroid disease is frequently misunderstood, and too often overlooked and misdiagnosed, although it affects almost every aspect of health. It is important to understand more about the thyroid, and symptoms of thyroid disorders that occur when there is an imbalance. Arm yourself with knowledge so you can help regain and protect your good health. […]
Function and Diseases of the Thyroid
/Thyroid disorders are increasingly common. Yet, about half of sufferers remain undiagnosed due to improper testing and because initial signs and symptoms are vague, ambiguous, and often seen in various disorders. The underlying factor in very common disorders such as infertility, hair loss, irregular menses, constipation, fatigue, weight gain, elevated cholesterol, anemia, or depression may […]
Different Treatment Options For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
/The medical literature clearly proves that chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a real condition and individuals with this syndrome have measurable hypothalamic, pituitary, immune and coagulation dysfunction. These abnormalities then result in a cascade of further abnormalities, in which stress plays a role by suppressing immunity and hypothalamic-pituitary function. Pituitary and hypothalamic dysfunction results in […]
Infectious Diseases: A Cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
/Infections can either trigger or contribute to CFS. These may include viruses such as Epstein Barr or herpes, or bacterial infections, including Lyme disease. Chronic fatigue syndrome is not a "mysterious" disease anymore. It can be treated, if all underlying factors are properly diagnosed and addressed. Infections Present With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Numerous studies have […]
Definition and Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
/People with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) disorder are so run down that it interferes with their lives and can make it hard to function at all. Some people with CFS say they have trouble staying on top of their responsibilities at home and on the job, while others are severely disabled and even bedridden. Furthermore, […]
Treating Adrenal Dysfunction with Cortisol
/People feel they are under constant pressure and stress, sluggish, irritable and fatigued during most of the day and they are desperately trying to clear up that mental fogginess with coffee or other stimulants, just to crash worse afterwards. Although it's been widely accepted as the "common way of living in a working, modern society," […]
Adrenals and Stress - Keeping Your Cool This Thanksgiving
/You have probably heard it before: "It's not about the gifts and parties, it's about spending time with the loved ones, introspect, enjoy good company, have a kind heart and a peaceful mind." Easier said than done. Especially when you're living with health disorders like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, the holiday season can send […]
Understanding the Adrenal-Thyroid Connection
/Your thyroid gland is like your body's gas pedal. When it's cruising at the right speed, you feel great. But when it's not "giving enough gas" or not producing enough thyroid hormone, you feel like you're driving in slow motion with one foot on the brake pedal. But many hypothyroid symptoms are so similar to adrenal […]
The Role of Adrenal Dysfunction in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
/Some people with chronic fatigue syndrome say they have trouble staying on top of their responsibilities at home and on the job, while others are severely disabled and even bedridden. Furthermore, they're not just dealing with extreme fatigue but with a wide range of other symptoms, including flu-like symptoms and chronic pain. CFS affects more […]
Symptoms of Adrenal Dysfunction
/Learn about the symptoms of adrenal dysfunction including fatigue and muscle weakness. The adrenal glands are located on the top of each kidney, and they secrete hormones that are responsible for a wide range of metabolic processes. When the adrenal glands become overactive or under active, hormone level changes can cause a number of potentially […]
Hormones 101: What Are They and Why Do I Need Them?
/Hormones are chemical messengers that are produced by either a gland or a cell. They are sent then to another part of the body for utilization. Within the Endocrine System, the Hypothalamus and the Pituitary (in conjunction with the brain) are the "master regulators" upon which all regulatory function of all other elements of metabolism […]