

Function And Diseases Of The Thyroid


Millions of people have thyroid problems in the US

What is Burnout?


Preventing adrenal burnout requires knowing what it is

What is Thyroid Brain Fog? + 4 Tips to Combat It


The thyroid has great influence over neurological function

How a Hormone Imbalance Can Cause Depression


Many unaware of the powerful influence of hormones.

6 Health Tests Every Man Needs


Some common but serious illnesses can go unnoticed for years

Everything You Need To Know About Hypothyroidism


Thyroid disease affects about 27 million adults in the USA.

How Hypothyroidism Affects the Entire Body


Thyroid disease affects over 20 million Americans.

Why Levothyroxine — i.e. Synthroid — Treatment Isn’t Working for You


You may respond better to a sustained-release form of T3

Leptin: The Secret Behind its Affect on Weight Loss


Only then will you be able to enjoy long-term ideal weight. Here, we'll take a look at the role leptin plays in all of this. Leptin and Obesity One of the most important hormones responsible for hunger, metabolism, reproduction, fat management and energy production is leptin. Leptin is made by fat cells in proportion to […]

Why Menopause Can Lower Your Libido


Although this matter is rather complex and it involves a multitude of physiological, emotional, and lifestyle factors, there are a few common causes for low libido, which can be easily overlooked. Common Causes for Low Libido during Menopause Estrogen As estrogen levels fall when women approach and enter menopause, the resulting dryness and thinning of vaginal tissues can […]

Low Dose Naltrexone Conference


Dr. Holtorf to Speak at a Conference About the Many Health Benefits of LDN Naltrexone was a drug known to treat individuals with conditions such as alcoholism and drug abuse, but in much lower doses (Low-Dose Naltrexone) it is proven beneficial for many conditions. Dr. Holtorf along with various other doctors, are gathering together this […]

Keep Your Ticker Ticking with Testosterone


Beginning around age 30, a man's testosterone levels start to decline, and continue to do so as time goes on, unless you proactively address your lifestyle. Environmental factors, including pesticides, plastics, and other pollutants, have resulted in a significant decrease in the average testosterone levels for men, so most men will have, at least, a […]

Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism: Types of Thyroid Diseases


While addressing a thyroid dysfunction, it's essential to consider the interconnected web of other imbalances, toxicities, and nutritional deficiencies that are always at play. Your thyroid gland is like the body's energy factory. Every cell in the body requires thyroid hormones. When it's operating effectively, you feel energetic, healthy, and in control. But it takes […]

Fact: Lyme Disease is on The West Coast


There are so many stories and "old wives' tales" out there that it's hard to decipher which are true and which aren't. This is the case with some diseases, as well. One condition that seems to have countless myths and misconceptions attached to it is Lyme disease. These falsehoods range from where the disease is […]

Why Levothyroxine — i.e. Synthroid — Treatment Isn't Working for You


Conventional medicine believes that if you have an underactive, chemically ablated or surgically-removed thyroid gland, that all you need is levothyroxine - the synthetic form of the T4 hormone. Levothyroxine is also known by its brand names: Synthroid, Levoxyl, Eltroxin, Tirosint, and Levothroid, among others. T4 is the inactive thyroid hormone, and must be converted […]

Five Ways the New ATA Hypothyroidism Guidelines are Bad for Thyroid Patients


There are so many things wrong with these Guidelines that we could write volumes, but let's cut to the chase. Here are five ways the new ATA hypothyroidism guidelines hurt thyroid patients. 1. The ATA's Conflict of Interest Makes the Guidelines Findings Questionable at Best While the ATA goes out of its way to assert […]

7 Signs That You Need a New Doctor


To borrow the metaphor, you may have to kiss a few frogs along the way before you find that prince — or princess — or a practitioner. But in some cases, it becomes clear that this is not a working relationship, and it's time to move on.Here are seven signs that you definitely need a […]

Challenges in Thyroid Hormone Therapy: Why Is It So Complicated?


On the one hand, it's promising to think that a group of prominent endocrinologists are joining together to discuss this important issue. The endocrinology community, after all, is not typically known for acknowledging — much less being curious about — the complexities of thyroid hormone treatment. The tendency is usually to prescribe Synthroid, Levoxyl or […]

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