

Immune or Not Immune: Are You Protected Against Infections?


According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA), 50 million Americans 20 percent of the population suffer from autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases are more common in women during childbearing years. They frequently appear in women who have just had a baby, after periods of high emotional or physical stress or accidents, with infections, during […]

Why Menopause Can Lower Your Libido


Although this matter is rather complex and it involves a multitude of physiological, emotional, and lifestyle factors, there are a few common causes for low libido, which can be easily overlooked. Common Causes for Low Libido during Menopause Estrogen As estrogen levels fall when women approach and enter menopause, the resulting dryness and thinning of vaginal tissues can […]

Hormonal Horror Stories - Especially for Halloween


Rosemarie's Baby Rosemarie was trying, and failing, to get pregnant for several years. Like many fertility clinics, the clinic she and her husband chose did NOT include any thyroid testing as part of Rosemarie's infertility workup. At first, Rosemarie didn't know to ask. Since infertility is rarely covered by insurance, Rosemarie was getting side-effect laden […]

7 Signs That You Need a New Doctor


To borrow the metaphor, you may have to kiss a few frogs along the way before you find that prince — or princess — or a practitioner. But in some cases, it becomes clear that this is not a working relationship, and it's time to move on. Here are seven signs that you definitely need […]

Challenges in Thyroid Hormone Therapy: Why Is It So Complicated?


On the one hand, it's promising to think that a group of prominent endocrinologists are joining together to discuss this important issue. The endocrinology community, after all, is not typically known for acknowledging — much less being curious about — the complexities of thyroid hormone treatment. The tendency is usually to prescribe Synthroid, Levoxyl or […]

Could You Have An Autoimmune Disease?


Your immune system's job is to protect you against infections, toxins, and invaders — everything from bacteria, to viruses, to allergens. When the immune system encounters something that could be potentially harmful, it mounts a defense to help kill or overcome the "invader," and protect the body. For a number of reasons — many which […]

Is it Mental Illness or Hashimoto's Disease?


While your symptoms resemble a mental health issue, they could be signs of Hashimoto's disease, one cause of hypothyroidism. Hashimoto's disease, also known as autoimmune thyroiditis or simply "Hashimoto's", is caused by an autoimmune disorder. In this case, the body's immune system sees the thyroid gland as a foreign body and begins to attack, damaging […]

Tests Can Reveal Hidden Causes of Weight Loss Failure


Don't blame yourself for failure. Sometimes there's a medical reason for weight gain or the inability to lose weight! Here is a list of key tests that can determine if there's a physiological cause for your weight problems. Thyroid hormone imbalance An imbalance of thyroid hormones, specifically hypothyroidism or thyroid hormone conversion disorders, can make […]

New Senate Bill Puts Bioidentical Hormones and Compounded Medications At Risk!


Senate bill S.959, now being called the "FDA Power Grab Bill," would widen the powers of the FDA and allow it to disallow entire categories of compounding drugs in "complex dosage forms," including time-released and transdermal patches. It would give the FDA authority to ban bioidentical hormones and restrict access to compounded medications, even when […]

The Link Between Thyroid Dysfunction and Mental Illness


Symptoms of Thyroid Dysfunction Can Be Mistaken for Mental Illness For patients with undiagnosed Hashimoto's thyroiditis the picture can be even more grim. Cognitive symptoms associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, including mental abnormalities, depression, irritability and confusion, can appear long before a patient shows signs of actual hypothyroidism. Patients can be mislabeled as having a major […]

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Your Immune System


What is an autoimmune disorder? Simply put, an autoimmune disorder is a condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. In Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, the immune system attacks and kills thyroid cells. This "attack and destroy" can cause wild symptom swings from hypothyroid to hyperthyroid, and back. Each attack destroys more and […]

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