

Understanding Gulf War Syndrome


Gulf War syndrome is a chronic, multi-symptom condition that seems to affect veterans of the 1990-1991 Gulf War, which would explain the name. The cause of this condition was under debate for quite some time. The condition was originally attributed to the stress of combat, but after hours of research many believe that simply isn't […]

Should You Be Worried About BPA?


The acronym BPA stands for bisphenol A. BPA is a synthetic chemical compounded for commercial use in the mid-1950's. While associated largely with water bottles, and the sippy-cups of children, use of BPA is widespread in manufacturing, and found in can and pipe coatings, sporting equipment, compact discs, and more. You handle BPA every day as […]

Lyme Disease Update: Spreading and Causing More Suffering


One of our medical practice's specializations is in helping patients get properly diagnosed with Lyme disease suffered by our patients. We know that Lyme disease has spread to the West Coast, and has a number of symptoms and health implications. New studies are now exploring the migration patterns of the black-legged tick, and the burden […]

Research Leads to Discovery of New Form of Genetically-based Obesity


Obesity plays such an important role in so many health problems in developed countries, and as such, is an important research topic. Recently, use of genetic sequencing allowed a team of researchers from Imperial College London to discover the first known person with a genetic deficiency formerly seen only in animal studies. The study, published […]

Should You Eat Chocolate for Your Health?


Too often, scientific studies deliver findings that favorite foods are bad for our health. Today the news is all good. Should you make chocolate a healthy eating habit? In a large British study that followed participants for 12 years, researchers explored the effect of chocolate consumption on more than 20,000 adults. The results, combined with […]

What Goes Up, Must Come Down: The Health Impact of Fireworks


Let's take a look at the health impact of fireworks. What is in a firework? A little strontium nitrate, a pinch of calcium sulfate, black powder, oxidizing agent, and binder and we are all set. A firework, or its smaller cousin, the firecracker, are products intended to go out with a bang and sometimes a […]

Are Lyme Patients Being Dosed Incorrectly?


A newly published study by the American Society for Microbiology may fundamentally change the way we view and treat chronic Lyme disease. While it has been well known that Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease) has multiple methods to become resistant to antibiotics, this study demonstrates that it may not be an actual resistance (which is seen […]

Fun in the Sun? What You Cannot See, Can Hurt You: Potential Danger of Ultraviolet Radiation


With summer almost here, there are good reasons to heed the wisdom of "Slip-Slop-Slap — slip on a shirt, slop on the sunscreen, and slap on a hat." On the other hand, chemical sunscreens have their dangers too. What to do? A new study suggests your lifespan could be affected by solar activity that occurred […]

Another Reason to Avoid Artificial Sweeteners: Hashimoto's Disease


We've talked about new research that shows that artificial sweeteners do not help with weight loss. In fact, they actually contribute to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. We also pointed out the link between diet sodas — which use artificial sweeteners — and the link to metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. […]

Walk Faster to Get Fit and Accelerate Weight Loss


New studies have shown that you can improve your health by simply moving around for two minutes out of each hour you are sitting. A new study reveals you can boost exercise benefits if you take a little more time and effort with each step you take. Walk a Little Faster and a Little Longer […]

Dangers of Diet Soda: Is Your Drink Healthy or Harmful?


Introduced in the United States in 1964, Diet Pepsi was the first nationally marketed diet soda. In 1983, Coca Cola introduced Diet Coke, a beverage that celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2013. Today, four carbonated, low calorie, diet drinks rank in the top ten best-selling carbonated beverages in the country. In order, they are: In […]

Do This for Two Minutes and Lengthen Your Life


In a study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASNU), researchers at the University of Utah found sedentary workers reduced their risk of dying by engaging in light movement for just two minutes each hour. On the Move: How Much Do You Need to Lengthen Your Life To encourage physical […]

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