

6 Signs You Have a Weak Immune System and What You Can Do About It


People may have difficulty recognizing immune weakness

Supplements To Support Immune Health


It's possible to improve immune function with supplements.

Can Thyroid Dysfunction Cause Heat Intolerance?


Heat intolerance is often an indicator of thyroid issues.

How Hypothyroidism Affects the Entire Body


Thyroid disease affects over 20 million Americans.

18 Foods that Help Boost Your Immune System


Diet can greatly impact immune function

Mimi’s Story: My Journey to Health


To this day, it is the biggest regret of my life.

What is the Best Time to Have Your Thyroid Levels Tested?


Certain factors that may cause tests to present false data

7 Easy Ways to Remember to Take Your Supplements


80% of those who take supplements, forget to take them!

What is a Herxheimer Reaction and What Can I Do About It?


The Herxheimer reaction is common during antibiotic courses

Immune or Not Immune: Are You Protected Against Infections?


According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA), 50 million Americans 20 percent of the population suffer from autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases are more common in women during childbearing years. They frequently appear in women who have just had a baby, after periods of high emotional or physical stress or accidents, with infections, during […]

Jump Start Weight Loss with These Tips


At the same time, there are many people who eat healthy, unprocessed food and exercise but are still overweight. That is because there may be many other stressors and dysfunctions in the body, which need to be discovered and solved. And there may be also many surprising ways to jump start weight loss, which you […]

Leptin: The Secret Behind its Affect on Weight Loss


Only then will you be able to enjoy long-term ideal weight. Here, we'll take a look at the role leptin plays in all of this. Leptin and Obesity One of the most important hormones responsible for hunger, metabolism, reproduction, fat management and energy production is leptin. Leptin is made by fat cells in proportion to […]

Is Your Metabolism Wrecked From Dieting?


Dieting and Counting Calories Many people still believe that counting calories is what's going to bring the much dreamed about weight loss. In reality, calories are great deceivers. That's because everyone's metabolism is different and absorbs calories differently. And the way in which the calorie values of foods are determined has no relation to the […]

Weight Loss Tips for Thyroid Patients


Many times the very thyroid dysfunction is the one that prevents you from losing weight! Indeed, it's a vicious cycle! Throw insulin resistance in the "mix" and the matter gets even more complicated. Still, there are many important things you can do to break this cycle. Weight Loss Tips Solving insulin resistance When suffering from […]

Keep Your Ticker Ticking with Testosterone


Beginning around age 30, a man's testosterone levels start to decline, and continue to do so as time goes on, unless you proactively address your lifestyle. Environmental factors, including pesticides, plastics, and other pollutants, have resulted in a significant decrease in the average testosterone levels for men, so most men will have, at least, a […]

How Your (Hypo)Thyroid(ism) Impacts Your Metabolism


Gastrointestinal Function Chronic constipation is a common complaint of people with an underactive thyroid gland. Poor thyroid function slows down the amount of time it takes for food to move through the intestines. This increases the potential of gut infections from harmful bacteria and yeast, leading to inflammation, malabsorption, and increased risk of developing food […]

5 Tips to Thrive with Your Thyroid in 2017


Why is it that when having a thyroid dysfunction, one might feel so drained and unwell all throughout the body? Because the thyroid controls the rate of energy production, maintains body temperature, regulates body weight, menstrual cycles, muscle strength, heart rate, breathing, and affects brain chemistry profoundly, influencing mood and emotions. No wonder that any […]

The Fatigue That Just Won't Quit


A constant feeling of fatigue or exhaustion can be an indication of adrenal fatigue. So what are adrenals and why are they fatigued? Adrenals are small glands located above your kidneys and are part of the endocrine system (the system that secretes hormones into the body). The adrenals produce hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, […]

Should You Be Worried About BPA?


The acronym BPA stands for bisphenol A. BPA is a synthetic chemical compounded for commercial use in the mid-1950's. While associated largely with water bottles, and the sippy-cups of children, use of BPA is widespread in manufacturing, and found in can and pipe coatings, sporting equipment, compact discs, and more. You handle BPA every day as […]

Should You Eat Chocolate for Your Health?


Too often, scientific studies deliver findings that favorite foods are bad for our health. Today the news is all good. Should you make chocolate a healthy eating habit? In a large British study that followed participants for 12 years, researchers explored the effect of chocolate consumption on more than 20,000 adults. The results, combined with […]

What Goes Up, Must Come Down: The Health Impact of Fireworks


Let's take a look at the health impact of fireworks. What is in a firework? A little strontium nitrate, a pinch of calcium sulfate, black powder, oxidizing agent, and binder and we are all set. A firework, or its smaller cousin, the firecracker, are products intended to go out with a bang and sometimes a […]

Walk Faster to Get Fit and Accelerate Weight Loss


New studies have shown that you can improve your health by simply moving around for two minutes out of each hour you are sitting. A new study reveals you can boost exercise benefits if you take a little more time and effort with each step you take. Walk a Little Faster and a Little Longer […]

Dangers of Diet Soda: Is Your Drink Healthy or Harmful?


Introduced in the United States in 1964, Diet Pepsi was the first nationally marketed diet soda. In 1983, Coca Cola introduced Diet Coke, a beverage that celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2013. Today, four carbonated, low calorie, diet drinks rank in the top ten best-selling carbonated beverages in the country. In order, they are: In […]

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