

Your Supplements May Be Ineffective — AND Contaminated!


According to the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN)'s 2014 Consumer Survey on Dietary Supplements, 68 percent of U.S. adults report taking dietary supplements — with more than 50 percent being regular users. And 83 percent of the population express overall confidence in the safety, quality and effectiveness of dietary supplements. (CRN Consumer Survey). Unfortunately, it […]

American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Launches 2015 Thyroid Awareness Campaign


Over at the Thyroid site, patient advocate Mary Shomon is sharing details about the new 2015 Thyroid Awareness campaign being promoted by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE). Their effort hinges on two initiatives - "Same/Same/Same," and "Ten Questions to Ask About Your Thyroid Health." The central theme of their effort is their […]

Meditation: A Way to Enhance Thyroid Awareness from the Inside Out


January is Thyroid Awareness Month - a month typically focused on promoting increased visibility and awareness of thyroid issues. But what if during this Thyroid Awareness Month, in addition to helping spread the word and make more people aware of....

7 Things Every Smart Patient Should Do in 2017


Let's take a look at seven things that every smart patient should do in 2017 that may help you manage and improve your health in the new year. 1. Schedule an annual checkup. If you are in an HMO, or have health insurance, your annual checkup is likely to be scheduled as a longer visit, […]

Holiday Hints with Dr. Evans


Don't wait until next year to get healthy! Dr. Evans gives you healthy tips on how to stay happy and healthy during the holidays.

4 Reasons Why You May Need More Thyroid Medication


Researchers took a look at some of the key factors that cause patients to need larger-than-expected dosages of thyroid medication. The study looked at levothyroxine dosages in hypothyroid patients, but the factors they identified - the reasons why you may need more thyroid medication - are relevant whether you're taking levothyroxine, liothyronine (T3), or natural […]

Thyroid Drug Interactions: Drugs That Affect Thyroid Hormone Replacement Absorption


There are a variety of reasons why you may need to take a larger-than-usual dose of thyroid hormone replacement medication, but one of the most common reason is that you are taking a prescription or over-the-counter medication that affects absorption of your thyroid medication. For example, before you grab that Tums or Rolaids along with […]

Selenium Plays Key Role in Fertility


A research team, led by Melanie Ceko, looked at the role of selenium in the ovaries, and found that selenium is crucial to the development of healthy ovarian follicles. Follicles are responsible for production of eggs in women. According to Ceko: Selenium is an essential trace element found in protein-rich foods like red meat, seafood […]

Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Thyroid Antibodies Increase Risk of Early Miscarriage


Researchers looked at whether subclinical hypothyroidism and/or autoimmune thyroid disease during early pregnancy — the 4 to 8 week period — was also associated with higher rates of miscarriage. The researchers evaluated more than 3,000 women in early pregnancy. They grouped the women according to the severity of their subclinical hypothyroidism, as well as presence […]

Treating Hashimoto's Can Prevent Overt Hypothyroidism


Most people who have Hashimoto's disease -approximately 90% - have antibodies that can be measured in the blood. The Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO) test detects those antibodies. At the same time, around 5% of people who have the disease and were diagnosed by other means (i.e., ultrasound, biopsy, etc.) do not have measurable thyroid antibodies. […]

Metabolic Syndrome and Your Thyroid


What is Metabolic Syndrome? Metabolic syndrome refers to a group of risk factors that, when present, increase your risk for developing heart disease, and as a result, increase the risk of heart attack, heart damage, and death. Metabolic syndrome is also linked to obesity and insulin resistance, which can increase the risk for type 2 […]

The MTHFR Gene and Your Health: Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase


Sound confusing? How do you know if you are affected? And what are you supposed to do about this MTHFR business? First, your doctor can run the MTHFR serum (blood) test to determine if you have any defects in the gene. If any defects are found, your doctor will give you specific advice. But here […]

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