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Ozone IV therapy is a unique and integrative treatment given intravenously to introduce ozone into the blood, increasing the amount of oxygen within your blood cells. Autohemotherapy, another name for this process, began in Germany during the early 1950’s and has gained recognition within the United States with more and more physicians understanding the health benefits.
Oxygen is the single most important nutrient for our health and wellness. The air we breathe consists of only two oxygen atoms and is the most stable form of oxygen. Ozone, however, is a form of oxygen which consists of three oxygen atoms. With the addition of the third oxygen atom, the oxygen becomes “supercharged” by displaying remarkable medical properties.
Ozone is produced naturally within our body via white blood cells to increase our immune response when we do not feel well. This inherent immune response is often times compromised in individuals who have chronic conditions associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Lyme disease and many others.
Ozone IV therapy (autohemotherapy) is the most common and effective way ozone therapy is conducted. This process involves the removal of 6-12 ounces of blood from the body via a sterilized system. Once the blood is collected, it is then contained in a sterilized container. Ozone is injected into the container and mixed gently with the blood allowing blood cells to take up the ozone and then returning the ozonated blood to the body via a sterilized delivery system. The entire process takes approximately 1 hour.
Ozone IV therapy regulates the immune system with its unique actions on blood cells, while also stimulating the DPG enzyme to promote the release of oxygen from hemoglobin. These actions produce optimal oxygen to your blood which is needed to inhibit and fight disease or calm the over-reactive response found in autoimmune disease.
The powerful and natural healing health benefits obtained using Ozone IV therapy treatment:
Ozone IV therapy is a very effective treatment modality, yet should not be thought of as a “magic” bullet. The treatment can be an indispensable addition to any protocol’s success and is most effective when it is used as part of an integrative treatment plan. The amount of treatments needed for therapeutic results are unique to each individual and should be discussed with your practitioner. Individuals experiencing success using Ozone IV therapy treatments:
Talk with your doctor regarding this treatment to see if it is a good fit for you.
These optimized package tiers allow you to get the best treatment that fits your needs and goals while being kind to your pocket.
Have questions or ready to book your Ozone Therapy appointment? Call us today at: (877) 508-1177