While Holtorf Medical Group does not accept insurance directly, depending on your insurance provider, you may be reimbursed for a portion of your treatment. It is important to recognize that although we have an idea of what might be approved for coverage, our staff are not experts on the specific guidelines for each provider. Further, insurance companies consider each claim individually based on a variety of factors. Therefore, something that is covered for you may not be approved for a friend or relative. We recommend that you contact your insurance provider to discuss your out-of-network coverage and benefits.
Dr. Holtorf made the decision to not enter into a contract with any insurance companies for several reasons. When a physician contacts an insurance company, he or is agreeing to practice medicine within the framework dictated by that particular insurance provider. This means that diagnostic and treatment protocols, medications, and appointment duration are all determined by the insurance company, and more or less outside of the physician's control. The familiar experience in which your doctor seems to be racing through your appointment so they can move on to the next patient can be credited to the system. It is not the fault of the physician, simply a requirement of staying afloat while operating within these parameters.