Do you suffer with high blood pressure? Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when your blood pressure reaches unhealthy levels. Your blood pressure measurement indicates how much blood is passing through your blood vessels and the amount of resistance the heart faces when pumping your blood. Increased resistance is due to the narrowing of arteries, meaning the narrower your arteries are, the higher your blood pressure will be. Long term, high blood pressure accelerates the aging of the heart and blood vessels, increasing your risk of heart disease. Chances are you may not even know you have high blood pressure. Hypertension can exist for a very long time without symptoms present. There are 3 million cases of hypertension within the United States and is predicted to reach 1.56 million people worldwide by 2025. High blood pressure accelerates the aging of the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of developing serious diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart disease, or stroke.
Often times an imbalance of thyroid hormones are the cause of hypertension. Thyroid hormones keep the arterial wall flexible and stabilizes blood pressure. When thyroid hormones are insufficient, waste accumulates within the arterial wall, causing swelling to occur around the waste. The flexibility of the arterial wall is then compromised, resulting in a rise in blood pressure.
What is Hypertension?
Hypertension occurs when our blood pressure stays at an elevated rate, causing damages to the blood vessels and heart, even without the presence of symptoms. Blood pressure measures the amount of blood and the resistance of blood flow within the arteries. The more blood that is being pumped and the narrowness of the arteries determines your blood pressure. When blood vessels have been damaged or weakened, pressure builds when blood being pumped meets resistance, causing the blood pressure to rise.
What Causes Hypertension?
There are two types of diagnosis for hypertension. A primary diagnosis of hypertension can be made if a family history is present or the result of lifestyle choices. A secondary diagnosis is made when hypertension is caused by another disease or certain types of medications. It is important to investigate if a secondary disease does exist. Treatment for an underlying cause can greatly improve heart health.
A primary hypertension diagnosis include factors such as:
Family history Race Age Being overweight Too much salt in diet Not enough potassium or vitamin D in diet Tobacco use Alcohol abuse or long term use Not enough physical activity Secondary diagnosis of hypertension may be caused by:
Thyroid problems Kidney problems Adrenal gland tumors Sleep apnea Medications such as birth control pills, cold remedies, decongestants and illegal drug use What are the Symptoms of Hypertension? Most individuals may be unaware they have hypertension due to the absence of symptoms. Some individuals may experience headaches, nosebleeds, or shortness of breath, however, these symptoms usually do not occur until the blood pressure is seriously high.
How is Hypertension Diagnosed?
A manual blood pressure is taken using a blood pressure cuff to measure the systolic and diastolic pressures within the arteries. The systolic reading represents the maximum pressure in the arteries, while the diastolic reading measures the minimum pressure. When a resting blood pressure is taken with the systolic pressure consistently over 140 (millimeters mercury), a diagnosis of hypertension is made.
Specialized tests can be done to determine if a secondary diagnosis is present and the cause of the hypertension. Diagnosis and treatment of an underlying physiological imbalance or disease can improve heart health dramatically.
Is Treatment Right for Me?
At Holtorf Medical Group, our doctors can help you make better dietary choices and may also encourage the use of supplements such as vitamins D and K. When plaque buildup is present, safe and effective IV therapy treatments can be implemented. If an underlying cause of hypertension is discovered, such as thyroid disease, other treatment options can be utilized to regain heart health. Speak with your doctor about which treatment option may be right for you or call (877) 508-1177 to speak to a patient representative.
At Holtorf Medical Group, our doctors are specially trained to detect and treat hypertension with natural and effective treatments. Please talk to your doctor or call (877) 508-1177 to speak to a patient representative.