

How To Live a Full Life with Thyroid Disease


"Drugs are not always necessary, but belief in recovery always is." Norman Cousins There's no one magic pill that ensures that one can live well with thyroid disease. Rather, the secret lies in finding the right doctor, the right treatments, the right attitude and support groups! Some of the best tips we've found are described […]

Talking With Your Doctor About Your Thyroid Concerns


If you feel frustrated because your TSH results are "normal" and your doctor tells you there is nothing wrong, but you still experience a wide range of thyroid-related symptoms, we understand and we know why. The Reality About Thyroid Testing The TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is the test that most doctors use to screen for hypothyroidism. […]

Common Thyroid Tests To Diagnose Thyroid Diseases


Most physicians, including endocrinologists, rely on standard thyroid tests to determine their patients' "proper" dose of thyroid replacement. The evaluation of a patient's signs and symptoms to determine the proper dose has been reduced to the point of being unimportant to most physicians. What Is Wrong With Standard Thyroid Tests? Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is […]

Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders


Unfortunately, thyroid disease is frequently misunderstood, and too often overlooked and misdiagnosed, although it affects almost every aspect of health. It is important to understand more about the thyroid, and symptoms of thyroid disorders that occur when there is an imbalance. Arm yourself with knowledge so you can help regain and protect your good health. […]

Function and Diseases of the Thyroid


Thyroid disorders are increasingly common. Yet, about half of sufferers remain undiagnosed due to improper testing and because initial signs and symptoms are vague, ambiguous, and often seen in various disorders. The underlying factor in very common disorders such as infertility, hair loss, irregular menses, constipation, fatigue, weight gain, elevated cholesterol, anemia, or depression may […]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Experience Low Thyroid


Hypothyroidism symptoms are very similar to the ones experienced by CFS sufferers. Lethargy, sensitivity to cold, heat intolerance, mood swings and depression, poor memory and concentration, joint pains and morning stiffness, headaches, vertigo and deafness, pre-menstrual tension, voice changes, loss of libido and susceptibility to viral infections are all found with both conditions. Visible signs […]

Stress, Grief and Emotional Trauma: Triggers for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Unresolved emotional and mental stress that lingers on causes a huge energy drain in the mind and body. All bodily mechanisms that run 24/7 require various energy levels, and our mind is not even aware of our deeper underlying stresses that the organism has to put up with, in order to keep a balance. How […]

Adrenals and Stress - Keeping Your Cool This Thanksgiving


You have probably heard it before: "It's not about the gifts and parties, it's about spending time with the loved ones, introspect, enjoy good company, have a kind heart and a peaceful mind." Easier said than done. Especially when you're living with health disorders like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, the holiday season can send […]

Understanding the Adrenal-Thyroid Connection


Your thyroid gland is like your body's gas pedal. When it's cruising at the right speed, you feel great. But when it's not "giving enough gas" or not producing enough thyroid hormone, you feel like you're driving in slow motion with one foot on the brake pedal. But many hypothyroid symptoms are so similar to adrenal […]

Did You Know Vitamin D is a Hormone and Not a Vitamin?


You have probably heard that 15 - 30 minutes in the sun will be enough to produce vitamin D for your body. But clinical reality demonstrates that our ability to produce/absorb/utilize sunlight and vitamin D is genetically variable. For example, even in northern California a large number of people tested during winter months have serum […]

Men Can Be Andropausal: Bioidentical HRT isn't just for Women


Testosterone is the primary androgen produced by the testes and it plays an essential role in the health of the male. Beyond determining the male sex and characteristics, testosterone is a determinant of muscle strength, bone mass, libido, potency and spermatogenesis. How And Why Do Men Experience Andropause? It has been found that even in […]

What You Need to Know About Breast Cancer And Bioidentical Hormones


Are they safe? What's the risk compared to synthetic HRT? Fortunately, the realization that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was causing breast cancer, and the subsequent decrease in use of artificial hormones, has led to a 37 percent reduction in death rates among women (according to a report published in the July/August issue of CA: A […]

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