Each person’s body has unique dietary requirements. Factors such as depleted soil, food storage and transport, farming techniques, toxin exposure, and lifestyle factors including age, stress and food sensitivities all influence nutrient acquisition. These and other factors have contributed to widespread malnutrition. Fortunately, it may be possible to ease deficiencies and improve nutrition through supplementation.
Why We Need Supplements
Research suggests that the entire population has some degree of nutrient deficiency. This is bolstered by findings showing that up to 80 percent of people have a suboptimal intake of various vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, those with a deficiency may still not be able to get the nutrients they need regardless of dietary optimizations. This is primarily because of a decline in food quality and elements that disrupt of the body’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrients. We discuss some primary contributors below.
Increased Consumption of Processed foods
Over the years, we have become increasingly reliant on processed foods that provide minimal nutritional value. For example, the processes of turning wheat into white flower eliminates over 80 percent of its beneficial nutrients, including magnesium, zinc, chromium and manganese. Similar removal of nutrients can be seen in processes used to refine cane sugar and the polishing of rice. The regular practice of stripping nutrients from natural products has led to an overall decrease in nutritional value and subsequent increase in nutrient deficiencies.
Exposure to Chemicals and toxins
Pesticides, fertilizers, agricultural toxins, BPAs, and plastics come in contact with our food regularly. Each of these nutrient-sapping substances contribute to reduced nutritional value and can inhibit the body’s ability to properly absorb any remaining nutrients. When we ingest trace amounts of various toxins found in these materials, it becomes increasingly difficult to absorb the vitamins and minerals necessary to support proper bodily function.
Medication Interactions
Some medications, particularly statins, which are used for lowering cholesterol, can have a negative effect on nutrient absorption.
Other medications including birth control, common prescription medications, and antibiotics can also leech nutrients while also limiting the body’s ability to use them.
Reduced Nutritional Value due to Soil Depletion
Soil depletion has also contributed to nutrient deficiency. Over-farming and reckless use of chemicals and pesticides has caused many of the minerals typically found in soil to be lost. This means that even if crops are raised without the use of chemicals, they may have reduced vitamin and mineral content. This loss of nutrients in soil has contributed to a decline in the overall nutritional value of many foods.
How Supplements Can Help
Even though there are several barriers to contend with, such as those discussed above, it is still possible to achieve optimal nutrition through the proper use of supplements.
Supplements provide a healthy method of resolving nutritional gaps found in virtually every diet. In fact, over 50 percent of the United States use a multivitamin or supplement to balance their diet. Studies show that proper supplementation may ease many symptoms caused by various forms of deficiency. Supplementation can positively affect the following areas:
Energy regulation and metabolic function
Gastrointestinal health
Hormone balance
Joint and muscle activity
Neurological function
Thyroid function
Virtually everyone can benefit from improving one or more of the above areas. This can be accomplished by employing the right supplements. Some of the most widely used supplements are Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc, all of which in addition to specific benefits, are associated with greater longevity and wellness. The following substances also provide impressive health benefits and help resolve some of the most common areas of deficiency.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are found naturally in fish and various nuts. Studies show that taking a daily dose of Omega-3s in pill form can improve health. Supplementing with Omega-3 can also provide the following benefits:
Combats blood clots
Improves cholesterol values
Improves neurological function,
Increases insulin sensitivity
Reduces the risk of heart attacks
Regulates inflammatory activity
Magnesium facilitates the delivery of glucose to cells so that it can be converted into useable energy. Those with a magnesium deficiency may find that symptoms of muscle cramping, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, apathy and difficulty focusing are improved after supplementing with magnesium. Those with severe deficiency may require an exceptionally large daily dose of magnesium to resolve their symptoms entirely.
Multivitamins cover a wide range of common deficiencies that people frequently overlook. They also provide several benefits. Antioxidants in multivitamins can limit oxidative stress, which contribute to diabetes and weight gain. The B complex of vitamins found in most multivitamins help combat nerve damage, improve metabolism and bolster mitochondrial activity. People generally need two to six tablets daily to reach ideal nutrient intake. However, individual needs will differ from person to person.
Using one or more of the supplements discussed above may provide a significant boost to overall wellness. However, it is important to always supplement safely and talk with a doctor prior to beginning a new supplement regimen.
Combat Nutrient Deficiencies through Effective Supplementation
There are many factors that inhibit nutritional value and the body’s ability to use the many vitamins and minerals it requires to function properly. Fortunately, we can overcome the rampant issue of nutrient deficiency by implementing individually optimized supplement plans and using high-quality supplements. You can take action to resolve your own nutrition deficiencies by exploring the high-quality doctor-formulated nutritional supplements found at HoltraCeuticals.com. Remember, always speak with your doctor before taking a new supplement or beginning a new supplement regimen.